Sue and Allen definitely practice what they preach when it comes to having fun with their horses. In addition to having fun with them at home they enjoy having their equine students and companions accompany them on the wide world at-large. Recently they took some time to travel out west for some much needed R&R and time to bask in the glory of Mother Nature.
Sue and Allen believe that providing your horse with the tools he needs to think through and acquire a carefully constructed education through carefully curated traditional training as well as their “Enlightened Equine Trick Training” prepares them for accomplishments far away from the home base.
Riding the wide world at large opens up the possibilities of many new novel experiences for most saddle horses and with a solid foundation of trust and leadership graduates of their training techniques can find the confidence they need to stay calm for just about any surprise a trail ride can offer.

Learn how to give your horse an education using Allen and Sue's time-honored, proven methods that are as fun for you sa they are for your equine students! Their new book "The Trick Horse Companion" is available here.
Write a comment
Sheila Armitage (Friday, 05 September 2014 01:58)
I am jealous. Great photos & stories.
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